Youth Director
First United Methodist Church of Sarasota is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ to serve as Youth Director who will connect students (6th- 12th grade) to the life and mission of the Church, help them grow spiritually, and teach them the Christian faith. This is a part-time position (20 hours). The.... more
FL |
Purpose: Eastminster United Presbyterian Church (EUPC) and St. Peter's United Church of Christ (SPUCC) are seeking a candidate for the Transitional Pastor until an installed pastor has been called. During the transition period this individual will help guide both congregations through the process of identifying a pastor, provide spiritual nurturing of t.... more
OH |
The Pastor is responsible for providing vision, leadership, and overall direction in order to carry out the critical functions of evangelism, discipleship, ministry, fellowship and worship consistent with the mission of Forest Preserve Bible Church Mission.QUALIFICATIONS (Biblical requirements consistent with 1 Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:7-8) He must have a cle.... more
IL |
Bi-vocational pastor is needed in a small church in Texas. Our church is in a small rural community centered between Waco, Austin, and College Station. The current congregation attendance each Sunday averages 12-25 persons.Currently, we offer no benefits or amenities other than a weekly salary..... more
TX |
Seeking Bi-vocational Pastor for our Independent, bible-based, Downeast Baptist Church. Salary package includes yearly salary plus 4 weeks paid vacation. Parsonage with garage includes heat and electricity. we do not offer dental or medical insurance at this time. .... more
ME |
Lead Pastor of Preaching and TeachingTo apply, send a cover letter, resume, and brief philosophy of ministry to search@fcchamilton.orgOur Vision and MissionThe vision of the First Congregational Church of Hamilton (FCCH) is to be a Spirit-filled community of compassionate Christians who are growing in the grace of God, extending the welcome of Jesus, an.... more
MA |
The following are the primary duties to be performed by the Pastor: Serve as spiritual leader for the congregation. Preach and teach the gospel by preparing and delivering relevant, Spirit-filled sermons; plan and conduct the worship services, provide alternate minister when absent. Share responsibilities with the Deacons and administering business w.... more
IL |
Pastoral Profile
The pastor's primary ministry is to, with the support and encouragement of the other Elders, Lead, Teach/Preach and Love ACC so that the Body can fulfill its mission to make disciples who Love Christ, Love Others and Serve in Love. (Matthew 28:19-20, Matt. 22:37, Mark10:43)
Discern, with the board of elders, ministry leaders and .... more
MN |
Job highlights:A Bible-based teacher, who believes that the Bible is the infallible, inspired Word of God and the source of truth for Christians.A God-fearing leader who is willing and able to compassionately propel members of the congregation from their comfort zones and into God's will for us as Christian individuals, families, and as a church fam.... more
Worship Style: Not Specified
NC |
Restoration Houses is a non-denomination church of approximately 200 congregants that has been operating for 11 years.The Four Pillars we have established our church upon are:- Preaching the authority of the Word of God without apology.- Passionate praise and worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.- Believing in and practicing the power of prayer.... more
SK |
PASTORAL LEADERSHIP1. Describe the essential characteristics that are appreciated in a pastoral leader: According to our congregation; preacher, teacher, and leadership are preferred to be the pastor's top strengths. The desired character traits are honest and trustworthy, prayerful and wise, and faithful and steadfast. The most important leadership qua.... more
IN |
Senior Pastor, Lead Pastor Positions. Christian churches looking for senior pastors or lead pastors near me.