First Presbyterian Church Florence, SC - Job Openings

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CrossPoint Baptist Church in Coweta, OK is making a lasting difference in our community by leading people to Christ, meeting needs within our community, and developing lasting relationships. We have one location with a Sunday morning service. Come be part of this growing and dynamic church.At CrossPoint, worship is more than the music before a sermon. W....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

08-02-2024    Part Time

Overview: The Student Ministry Director is a full-time staff position at Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church (CCBFC) in Allentown, PA. The man in this position will augment the efforts of both the parents and the elders to teach our students (and outside students as opportunities arise) the gospel of Jesus Christ and how that gospel shapes their lives. ....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

02-21-2022    Full Time

Florence First Presbyterian is looking for a few paid musicians and/or vocalists to aid in the worship services at the contemporary service from 9-10am. We have an amazing core and leadership in place but we need singers and a couple other musicians who could help out week to week. We practice on Wednesday nights and arrive an 1hr 15mins early on Sunday....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

10-22-2022    Part Time

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