If you have a resume listed at ChurchJobs.net, we include a counter on your My ChurchJobs page that counts how many times your resume is viewed. This applies to all resumes, free or paid.
If you have a
Gold Star Resume, you get notified of who viewed the resume
When you login to your My ChurchJobs page, the "Views" field is now a link. Click the link to see the Latest Resume views.
We will give you the church name and location if they have an account with ChurchJobs.net. If you send your resume to a church that does not have an account, we will simply supply the IP address.
This information is not intended for you to use to contact the church again. In fact, that would be frowned upon. It is only intended to give you an idea of when your resume is viewed. Please honor this policy.
The information is not 100% accurate. IP addresses don't always return the exact location of the device used. Sometimes, it returns the location of the parent company of an ISP. Please keep this in mind.
Again, if the church does not have account with ChurchJobs.net, we only supply the IP address.
Because this feature is currently in beta, the number of views will not match the number of entries in the Latest Resume Views log.