Southview is a North Point partner church, part of the Irresistible Church Network. Our vision is to be a church focused on reaching people far from God, seeing them raised to new life in Jesus. We are in a_noemailmunity where the vast majority of people are religiously unaffiliated, and we want to see this_noemailmunity impacted for the Kingdom of God.
Budget and Finance
- Assist in the planning and presentation of the annual budget requests to the Elders and Finance Team.
- Assist in the managing of church i_noemaile and expenditures, including providing the appropriate detailed records for expenditures of funds.
Ministry and Administrative Leadership
- Assist in developing an overarching strategy and vision for the church
- Serve as a member of the teaching team for Sunday worship services
- Work with ministry leaders to develop and equip volunteers, including, but not limited to volunteer leadership teams who can then develop and equip volunteers.
- Provide leadership and oversight to support staff.
- Provide leadership and oversight for such administrative tasks and responsibilities as assigned by the Lead Pastor.
- Share responsibilities with other staff ministers for pastoral care, maintaining reasonable availability to church attendees seeking advice, counsel, and encouragement.
- Accept other assignments and responsibilities as needed and when time permits, as assigned by the Lead Pastor.
- Committed follower of Jesus Christ, seeking to know, love and serve God
- Dedication to the North Point Ministries' mission and strategy
- Seminary Degree preferred but not required
- Excellent verbal and written_noemailmunication skills
Personal Characteristics:
- High level attention to detail
- Excellent time-management skills
- Teachable spirit
- Strong relationship skills with individuals and teams
- High levels of initiative, motivation and enthusiasm
- Ability to maintain confidentiality, listen effectively and resolve conflicts in a God-honoring manner.
For more information, send a resume and video sample of you teaching a message to jobs@southview_noemail