1. He will preferably have attended and graduated in good standing from an accredited evangelical seminary.
2. He will preferably have been ordained by a legitimate evangelical church body.
3. He will have some experience in the area of ministry to which he is called.
4. He will have a demonstrated ability for the some or all of the following duties:
a. Preaching
b. Counseling
c. Teaching
d. Visitation
e. Funerals
f. Weddings
g. Administration
h. Leadership
5. Additional Expectations:
a. Participate in meetings
i. Staff
ii. Deacons
iii. Council
iv. Annual Congregational
v. Others as required
b. Mentoring/training
c. Evangelism/outreach
d. Working with small groups
e. Assisting with special groups/events (VBS, outreach events, Sunday school, etc.)
f. Assisting with general church_noemailanization and operations
g. Fill-in for the lead Pastor as required.
h. Maintain office hours and accessibility to the congregation as appropriate for this position.
6. He will observe the Belief Structure, Constitution and Policies of this congregation.