General Responsibilities:
- The pastor is responsible for the overall health and vision of Faith Chapel. In accordance with the constitution and bylaws they lead the congregation to equip (Ephesians 4:11-12) them so that they may accomplish the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40).
Specific Responsibilities:
a. The senior pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament church. The pastor will lead the church in discipleship and evangelism. The pastor is responsible to help create, develop, and oversee ministries within the church.
b. The senior pastor will preach and teach the Word of God in order to prepare God’s people for works of service and to equip laborers and leaders. The pastor shall also seek to develop new leaders by mentoring, teaching, and giving the opportunities to preach as appropriate.
c. The senior pastor oversees all church discipline matters based on Matthew 18:15-17. They should be emotionally mature in interpersonal relations with strong problem solving, conflict resolution, and listening skills.
d. The senior pastor is responsible for all internal communications with the congregation through announcements, written and spoken. The pastor is also the main spokesperson for the church in all external communications with the community through radio, news media, outreach communications, and social media.
e. The senior pastor will oversee general church upkeep. If they are able to complete church upkeep themselves it is a plus but is not required. This point will be discussed further as the interview process continues.
f. The senior pastor is responsible for Sunday morning and other services. This includes planning the services, working with the people involved in the services, turning on necessary equipment, etc.
g. The senior pastor will work 20 hours per week doing church related ministry. They will be available for meeting with congregation members when requested and scheduled with. They will respond to communications with congregation members in a timely manner.
- The senior pastor must work closely with the Board to insure unity and oneness among all board members. The pastor is also responsible to recruit, recommend for hire, train, and supervise church volunteers.
- This is a bi-vocational paid position with a salary of $20,000 to $25,000 for the first year. The church also provides a budget for continuing education such as the pastor going to conferences, taking classes, buying study materials, etc.