Qualifications and General Responsibilities:
The Pastor will be a man of established and true character, qualified to preach and teach the Word of God, as described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. The pastor is a (self-employed) employee position, and this person shall have the leadership of the spiritual welfare of the church with the assistance and approval of the Board of Deacons. The pastor shall be a biologically born male who continues to function and practice as a biological male. The pastor shall seek to enlist people as followers of Christ, preach the Gospel, administer the Sacraments, have under the pastor's care all the services of public worship, and administer the activities of the church in cooperation with various boards and committees. The pastor shall be an ex officio advisory member of all boards and committees. The pastor as the chief administrative officer shall be responsible for the supervision, support, and evaluation of church staff, both ministerial and support. The pastor in coordination with the personnel committee shall be available to discuss and implement such subjects as employment/recruitment, benefits, employee records, safety and disciplinary problems, and personnel budget needs. The Pastor must be willing to perform his duties in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of this church.
Specific Responsibilities:
The pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament church. The pastor will, by example, lead the church in discipleship and evangelism.
The pastor will preach and teach the Word of God in order to prepare God's people for works of service and to equip laborers and leaders. The pastors shall also seek to develop new leaders by mentoring, teaching, and giving the opportunities to preach as appropriate. The pastor is responsible for planning ahead to keep staff informed of future events and topics.
The pastor will guide the leaders of this church as they exercise their leadership ministries. The pastor is responsible for leading staff meetings.
The pastor will (1) provide leadership for Sunday worship, (2) watch over the spiritual welfare of the church, (3) administer the ordinance including baptism, Lord's Supper, marriages, funerals, baby dedications, etc., (4) instruct the members in true and practical Christian living. Emphasis is on raising up new young leaders to assist in ministry and to help perform these functions.
The pastor will serve to recommend and advise committees as an ex-officio member of all committees in the church.
The pastor will oversee and provide appropriate leadership to the pastoral, administrative, and secretarial staff.
The pastor is expected to lead by example in stewardship matters.
The pastor oversees all church discipline matters. He should be emotionally mature in interpersonal relations with strong problem-solving, conflict resolution, and listening skills.
The pastor is responsible for all internal communications with the congregation through articles or announcements, written and spoken, using the church newsletters, bulletins, and worship services. The pastor is also the main spokesperson for the church in all external communications with the community through radio, news media, outreach communications, and social media.
The pastor will work a minimum of 40 hours per week in addition to responsibilities outside the normal working hours such as evening counseling, visits, funerals, weddings, and community involvement.
The pastor will be evaluated within six months, and yearly thereafter of his performance.
Educational Qualifications:
Minimum of an associate degree and or 5 years in biblical training, ministry, or a combination of education and experience.
Bachelor's or higher-level degree in theology or divinity preferred.
Personal and Spiritual Qualifications:
The pastor maintains a vital personal relationship with the Lord through daily Bible study and prayer and maintains proper priorities at home with his family. The pastor is expected to take at least one day off every week, and regular vacation times away to set an example before the people of Godly balanced family living.
The pastor will cultivate spiritual gifts within the church body.
The pastor should have strong verbal and written communication skills.
The pastor must be an individual of proven character, who is characterized by a vital, spirit-filled walk with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This spiritual commitment should be evidenced by regular church attendance (including spouse if married), volunteer ministry involvement outside the area of this position, and by supporting the work of the church through tithes and offerings.
The Pastor is the spiritual leader of the church. The pastor must work closely with the congregation to ensure unity and oneness among all members.