Teacher to set the spiritual tone of the church, provide leadership and pastoral care, equip our
members for the work of ministry inside and outside the church, and to make disciples through the
preaching of God's Word. We are affiliated with the Conservative Congregational Christian
We have outlined our desires and goals for the person we seek to lead:
Personal Qualifications—The Pastor will:
- Be able to give testimony to his/her love for the Lord
- Have a fervor to understand and teach the truths of God's Word.
- Love and care for people with strong interpersonal skills
- Hold at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited college and/or seminary.
- Desire to help us be a light in the world in regards to outreach. We are a congregation that
responds when needs are raised.
Professional Competencies: The Pastor will be:
- A_noemailmunicator, able to deliver biblical and relevant sermons that effectively speak to both new
and maturing Christians. One who is interested in helping us draw children and young families and
minister to our senior population
- An administrator, who works alongside our lay leaders.
- Someone characterized by love and humility while being gifted with discernment and prayer.
The Pastor's Primary Responsibilities are:
- Preaching which is both biblical and relevant. He/She will plan and deliver engaging worship
services along with the support of able and willing volunteers.
- Teaching through Bible Studies and Christian Education programs.
- With the Elders and Trustees, serving as the spiritual and_noemailanizational leader of the
congregation and help us with tools for growing our church vision such as Natural Church
- Offering Guidance to our ministries of Worship, Christian Education, and Outreach.
- Providing spiritual direction and pastoral care for those seeking baptism, profession of faith,
church membership, confirmation, marriage, hospital visits, conducting funerals, and
encouragement, as well as for those suffering loss.
- Building relationships with other local churches and the CCCC conference.
- Representing our church in the_noemailmunity. We are a rural_noemailmunity outside Syracuse, New
York, located by Otisco Lake in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York.
Other Considerations:
- Parsonage - 3 bedroom / 2 bath
- Sanctuary with capacity for 110 and Pastor's Study / Office with meeting space.
- Our church meets its financial obligations and is debt free
If you are interested in applying, send your resume and a personal statement of faith to
gailfrary@gmail_noemail. To learn more about our church, visit our website at www.amberchurch_noemail
We will share more info about our church upon request.
- The candidate should be a pastor/teacher.
- The candidate should support women in leadership roles. Our constitution recommends that the Board of Elders include members of both genders.
- The consensus is that baptism as currently practiced within our church should continue. There is some willingness to consider infant dedication. Our constitution calls for baptism of adults and baptism or dedication of children.
- We want to continue as a family/pastoral church.
- We want to see church growth, particularly membership of young families.