Senior Pastor

Lone Oak Baptist Church

Energy, IL 62933

Denomination: Baptist - Other

Category: Senior Pastor, Lead Pastor

Church Size: 100 - 250

Salary: Not specified

Posted on: January 23, 2025

Time Type: Full Time

Job Description:

The following are the primary duties to be performed by the Pastor:
Serve as spiritual leader for the congregation.
Preach and teach the gospel by preparing and delivering relevant, Spirit-filled sermons; plan and conduct the worship services, provide alternate minister when absent.
Share responsibilities with the Deacons and administering business with church officers, and ensuring policies and mandates duly approved by the congregation are followed.
Collaborate with the deacons, trustees, officers, and ministry leaders to administer church constitution and by-laws.
In collaboration with the deacons develop and implement a strategic plan for healthy church growth. (Spiritual, membership, financial, facility, etc.)
The following duties are the ultimate responsibility of the Pastor, but may be shared or delegated to others:
Pastor shall be an ordained minister in the Christian faith.
Pastor must completely agree with the Church Constitution & By-Laws, Church Covenant, and become a member of Lone Oak Baptist Church.
Pastor shall lead the congregation in worship services that make the gospel relevant to people's lives through clarity in preaching and communicating a comprehensive understanding of the Bible and Christian theology.
He shall train disciples and equip leaders for ministry through personal modeling, mentoring and active programs.
He shall instruct those who seek conversion to faith.
He shall conduct or supervise new membership classes for those interested in joining Lone Oak Baptist Church.
He shall comfort those in crisis (i.e., death, sickness, trauma, spiritual need or other significant event) where pastoral care is required.
He shall demonstrate ownership of Lone Oak Baptist Church objectives and shared purpose of the membership through leading by example, involving others in decision making process and actively participating in church activities.
He, along with the Deacons, shall maintain oversite of all religious education programs to ensure that those activities are consistent with the goals and philosophy of Lone Oak Baptist Church.
He shall lead Lone Oak Baptist Church to identify and win lost and unchurched in the local community.
He shall support the ministries of Lone Oak Baptist Church.
Along with the Deacons, supervise, mentor, and prepare written annual evaluations of the paid and volunteer staff and perform other duties as may be required.
Lead in administering the Holy ordinances of Baptism "by immersion" and Communion.
Lead and teach stimulating Bible studies, classes, and seminars.
Provide pastoral ministry to those experiencing illness, bereavement, incapacitation, or other conditions.
Officiate at funerals, weddings, baby dedications, etc.
Conduct pastoral counseling.
Lead the congregation in planning, conducting, and evaluating its local, national, and worldwide missions.
He shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of all boards, departments and committees.

About Lone Oak Baptist Church:

Lone Oak Baptist Church was established in 1898 as a Freewill Baptist Church. In the mid 1900's the church changed affiliations to the American Baptist Organization. Around 2000, Lone Oak withdrew fellowship from the American Baptist organization and became a "stand alone, non-profit, incorporated" Baptist Church. This remains the current standing at this time.

Our first church was built in 1917.
In 1928 a new church was constructed.
In 2001 we started constructing a third church which was built in three phases:
Phase One: A combined sanctuary/fellowship hall.
Phase Two: In 2004 we added additional Sunday School rooms.
Phase Three: In 2005/2006 a new sanctuary was constructed.
Recently, in 2024, construction was completed for the expansion of two Sunday School classrooms. 

Job Qualifications:

4 years of significant related ministry experience which includes experience in church administration (i.e., Assistant Pastor, Executive Pastor, Associate Minister, Ministry Leader, etc.) Pastor shall exhibit a passion for God and Christ-like spirit as demonstrated by personal and professional life. Candidates must have demonstrated ability to prepare and deliver biblically sound, stimulating, inspirational, and Spirit-filled sermons; should have a demonstrated aptness for Bible-Based teaching; should possess strong interpersonal skills; and possess pastoral care capability. Be a visionary with sound judgment and discernment. Possess effective communication skills. Demonstrate financial awareness and responsibility. Demonstrate ability to work effectively with a congregation across all ages and gender. Possess effective administration skills and able to organize and lead staff.  

Position Information:

Job Title:
Senior Pastor
Time Type:
Full Time
Not specified
Organization Type:
Worship Style:
Church Size:
100 - 250

Contact Information:

Organization Name:
Contact Name:
Baker Wiggs
809 Ryan Drive
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United States
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