Texas Academy 4 - Job Openings

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Tawas Methodist Church is seeking to hire a full-time senior pastor with a Wesleyan background that will lead our congregation of about 200 members in proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, establishing and maintaining religious worship, educating believers in a manner consistent with the requirements of Holy Scripture, and maintaining mission....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


02-09-2024    Full Time

POSITION SUMMARY The Youth and Family Minister will partner with the Senior Pastor to provide spiritual guidance and leadership to the members of Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church. The main focus of the position will be in guiding and leading the youth and families of the church. This is a full-time, lay position which reports to the Senior Pastor, ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


01-04-2024    Full Time

The Church Engagement Manager is responsible for recruiting new church partners to Academy 4 and working to maximize their participation and engagement in the program to the benefit of the church. The Church Engagement Manager will work closely with the program director, program managers, and the rest of the Academy 4 support team.....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


08-29-2022    Full Time

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