Union Church of Monterrey - Job Openings

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APPLY HERE: https://www.vanderbloemen.com/job/the-presbyterian-church-of-coshocton-senior-pastor-About the Senior Pastor:Coshocton Presbyterian Church is seeking a Senior Pastor who has a deep passion for the Lord, for the Bible, and views consistent with those of the Presbyterian Church USA. The Senior Pastor, as a minister of the Gospel, shall be devo....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified

08-31-2022    Full Time

To lead, plan and be involved in all youth activities and assist rhe Pastor in ministry activities.....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-11-2022    Full Time

-Proclaim the Word of God in a regular pulpit ministry. -Participate in evangelism efforts through preaching and giving invitations during worship services, revival or other special services, visitation, and other outreach activities. -Spend significant time in prayer and Bible study -Oversee pastoral staff -Provide leadership and vision for the chu....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


04-21-2023    Full Time

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