Spring Hill United Methodist Church - Job Openings

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New Hope Baptist Church is diligently praying for their next shepherd: someone of humble character, authentic expository teaching, and a passion for discipleship. This Lead Pastor will serve as the primary shepherd with a support staff of elders and deacons. Ideally, we are seeking someone with, but not limited to: 5-15 years of preaching experien....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

07-01-2024    Full Time

Incumbent PastorClergy: Full time Posted September 3, 2023Light On The Hill : St. John The Baptist Church, Richmond Hill, OntarioWe seek a Pastor who is ready to lead and inspire us as we live out our vision, mission and core values to: be Salt and Light in our community, sharing the Good News of thegospel; spreading hope, peace, justice and mercy; thus....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


08-16-2023    Full Time

1. Worship Leader Collaborate with Worship Committee to select all worship music for services and SHUMC programs/events** Participate in the weekly planning meetings with the Pastor and the Worship Committee and other relevant planning sessions as they may arise** Provide agreed upon music during all worship services and SHUMC programs/events Spread vit....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

United Methodist

08-05-2021    Part Time

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