Haven Christian Community Church - Job Openings

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We are seeking a Director of Youth and Adult Discipleship. The Director will carry out a ministry of teaching, leadership, and administration for the purpose of developing new and deeper disciples of Jesus Christ, specifically middle and high school youth, and adults. We anticipate at first that job responsibilities will be divided 80% youth/20% adults.....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

03-21-2024    Full Time

Position Summary: The Production & Communications Director is responsible for the meeting of all technical and media/communications related needs of Grace Family Church (GFC), including coordination of volunteer teams, production of services/events (both live and online), and management and use of necessary systems and tools. Requirements: Persona....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


11-02-2021    Full Time

Haven Christian Community Church (Newark, CA) – Pastor The Big Picture Haven Christian Community Church (havenccc.org) is a Bay Area church prayerfully seeking a full-time pastor to preach the Word of God and to shepherd the Body of Christ. The ChurchHaven Christian Community Church (Haven) is a member of the OMS Holiness Church of North America. We a....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


06-16-2023    Full Time

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