CrossPointe Church - Job Openings

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First Congregational UCC of Rapid City, SD seeks a new full-time pastor. The first church in Rapid City, we are a congregation built on tradition, yet we look forward to new ideas and avenues of growth. We are a church of compassionate volunteers and doers; friends held together with the desire to serve. We seek an effective teacher/preacher, a compas....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified


07-10-2022    Full Time

Impacting our community for God's glory through creative, compassionate ministry and outreach Staff Position: Worship Pastor - 2023Purpose: This is a full-time staff position of 40 hours per week. This position exists to oversee, administer, and direct the Worship Ministry of Joy Community Church. The Worship Pastor would be required to represent ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


08-30-2023    Full Time

Summary of Position:To provide an atmosphere through the vehicle of contemporary worship where God's people can connectwith Him in an authentic way. This position is responsible for the heart, quality, and execution of the portionof all services called worship. This role is the leader of all things worship. This position requires the person tolead the w....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:


04-21-2022    Full Time

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