First Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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Youth/Student Pastor Bethel E Baptist is looking for a self-motivated Student Pastor who has accepted the call of God into ministry, having a heart for youth. We would like for this person to: Introduce young people to Christ Disciple them in spiritual growth Train them in serving Christ with their life Assist parents or guardians in raising....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

09-29-2022    Full Time

We are prayerfully in search of a part-time Student Pastor to oversee the ministry of our students, grades 6-12. We have a small, but faithful group of teenagers that are very involved in small groups, worship, and volunteering in different areas of ministry within the church. The Student Pastor will oversee all areas of the ministry, coordinate teacher....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

03-16-2023    Part Time

POSITION OBJECTIVE: Create and maintain an overall structure for sustainable ministry toyouth from 6th grade through 12th grade that seeks to accomplish the church's vision of knowing Christ, following Christ, serving Christ, and integrating them into the church family at large.PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Work with the Our Children, Our Famil....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

10-25-2023    Part Time

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