Central Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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Minister to Students Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church 305 North Congress Street Jackson, Mississippi 39202 Galloway is seeking an outgoing, dynamic individual with a passion for cultivating and building formative, nurturing relationships with youth. Our historic downtown church provides abundant opportunities and resources for youth mini....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

United Methodist

02-18-2024    Full Time

SEEKING A PART-TIME PASTORPleasant Grove Community Church is a small church, located in west Georgia just south of LaGrange. We are looking for a part-time (can quickly grow into FT) salaried Pastor who possesses strong preaching skills, a heart for serving others, and the ability to lead the church. This pastor will cast a vision and lead our congregat....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


07-01-2022    Part Time

We are seeking a Director of Youth and Adult Discipleship. The Director will carry out a ministry of teaching, leadership, and administration for the purpose of developing new and deeper disciples of Jesus Christ, specifically middle and high school youth, and adults. We anticipate at first that job responsibilities will be divided 80% youth/20% adults.....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

03-21-2024    Full Time

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