New Hope Baptist Church - Job Openings

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Provide Spiritual Leadership:Develop and implement a comprehensive vision and strategy for the youth ministry.Lead regular worship services, Bible studies, and discipleship programs specifically tailored to youth.Provide spiritual guidance, counseling, and mentorship to youth on an individual and group basis.Foster an environment of inclusivity, respect....more

less than 100

Worship Style:
Not Specified

Baptist - SBC

05-17-2023    Part Time

Purpose: Waypoint Church is seeking a Worship Leader (Director of Music & Worship) for a mostly contemporary Sunday morning worship service. We are seeking a joyful, humble, and Spirit-led person who eagerly desires to use their God-given vocal and other musical talents and experience for biblically-grounded worship leadership. Hours Per Week: Th....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

04-11-2024    Full Time

New Hope Baptist Church is diligently praying for their next shepherd: someone of humble character, authentic expository teaching, and a passion for discipleship. This Lead Pastor will serve as the primary shepherd with a support staff of elders and deacons. Ideally, we are seeking someone with, but not limited to: 5-15 years of preaching experien....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

07-01-2024    Full Time

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