Women's Pastor Jobs

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  Youth Minister - Spotlight Job

YOUTH MINISTER JOB DESCRIPTION 1. The Youth Minister's (YM) primary goals are to make disciples of the teens in Louisville Christian Church, and to reach out to area teens in evangelistic effort. He must be involved in ongoing personal and professional growth in order to be an effective spiritual leader to our teens. 2. The YM is under the direction ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Christian Church

06-02-2024    Full Time

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Riverbend Community Church (RCC) is seeking a Youth Ministry Coordinator. Under the direction of the Elder Team, the Youth Ministry Coordinator will guide RCC's youth ministry efforts, including the development of a program to equip parents to be actively involved with the spiritual growth of their youth. In addition, the Youth Coordinator will work wi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


04-16-2024    Full Time

WHO WE ARE - A vibrant, culturally diverse, multi-generational and progressive church that has been serving the Greater Toronto Area for over forty years. Fellowship Baptist Church Markham (FBCM) seeks a Lead Pastor to shepherd its flock. Sitting on a hill in Markham, Ontario, FBCM is situated close to local schools, community centre, shopping plaza and....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

06-17-2021    Full Time

Grace UMC, Wilmington, NC is seeking a permanent part-time Director of Family Ministries (DFM) for immediate hire. GUMC is a thriving congregation with a long-standing reputation for its active children's and youth ministries programs. Grace's traditional services offer Nursery, Sunday School, and evening programs for children and youth, pre-K to 12th g....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified

United Methodist

01-10-2022    Part Time

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Women's Pastor Jobs Job openings. Christian churches looking for Women's Pastor Jobs near me.