Bangladesh Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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The Pastor to Children position is full-time and responsible to the Senior Pastor and the personnel committee. The job will entail the following children's responsibilities along with one additional area of ministry, based on giftedness. 1. Design and implement a discipleship plan/curriculum for children and families. 2. Oversee and be actively in....more


Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

05-09-2023    Full Time

East Petersburg Mennonite Church, East Petersburg, Pa., seeks a 75%FTE EQUIPPING PASTOR. The position will focus on providing vision/leadership along with an elder team, discipleship, worship ministry collaboration, faith community care facilitation, preaching/teaching, and equipping people for ministry in the church and beyond. For more information: h....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


01-03-2022    Part Time

Job Description: Accountant – 32 to 40 hours/week with benefitsPosition Summary:The full scope Accountant will be responsible for:1. Receiving, recording, and depositing all funds received in a timely and confidential manner2. All business transactions, including managing general ledger transactions and transfers, accounts and reconciliation, A/P and pa....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


03-13-2024    Full Time

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Bangladesh jobs, Bangladesh churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Bangladesh near me.