Finland Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Florence First Presbyterian is looking for a few paid musicians and/or vocalists to aid in the worship services at the contemporary service from 9-10am. We have an amazing core and leadership in place but we need singers and a couple other musicians who could help out week to week. We practice on Wednesday nights and arrive an 1hr 15mins early on Sunday....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

10-22-2022    Part Time

Connections Meet with visitors and shepherd them through the connections process. Build and oversee Connections team and process, which supports visitors as they get involved in the church. This includes responding to inquiries and overseeing the automated connections process. Lead regular newcomers get-togethers and workshops to help visitors ta....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


10-16-2022    Full Time

This pastoral role is a full-time position in the areas of overall church community support as well as developing and supporting the growth of a youth program and outreach. Responsible for providing leadership, developing direction, goals, planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating a comprehensive ministry for youth. Accountable to: Senior Pa....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


11-15-2022    Full Time

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Finland jobs, Finland churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Finland near me.