Ireland Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Position Title: Substitute Teacher Department / Location: Preschool/Kirk House Supervisor: Preschool Director, Kirk House Direct Reports: n/a Classification: Part time On-call/Non-exempt Pay Grade: 2 Date of Submission or Revision: 7.14.22 Date of Approval: 7.28.22 POSITION SUMMARY Kirk House Preschool is currently looking for multiple ....more

2000 - 5000

Worship Style:

01-17-2023    Full Time

The Church Triumphant is a nondenominatinal Charismatic family worship center nestled along the north brank of the Potomac River opposite Cumberland, MD, a town with a suburban feel. TCT was founded in 1987. Current membership of about 75-90. Our mission is to worship with passion and serve with excellence, to save sinners, disciple believers, and eq....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-11-2023    Full Time

First Baptist Church of Manchester, Connecticut is seeking a Senior Pastor. First Baptist is an established, diverse church that seeks to honor Jesus and proclaim the Good News of His saving power in our lives. We hold to the inerrant word of God firmly and unapologetically, while trying to share it with the world around us in love. We are a community o....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

06-25-2024    Full Time

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Ireland jobs, Ireland churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Ireland near me.