Kazakhstan Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Overview: The Student Ministry Director is a full-time staff position at Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church (CCBFC) in Allentown, PA. The man in this position will augment the efforts of both the parents and the elders to teach our students (and outside students as opportunities arise) the gospel of Jesus Christ and how that gospel shapes their lives. ....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

02-21-2022    Full Time

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Worship Pastor is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the music & worship programs within the church. This is accomplished through the areas of Corporate Worship, Recruiting & Developing, Leading Ministry Teams and Pastoral Care. QUALIFICATIONS: The Worship Pastor must meet the qualifications of 1Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

05-06-2022    Full Time

Job Description for the Pastor to StudentsPosition Title: Pastor to StudentsEvaluated by: Senior PastorReporting to this position: All ministry leaders and volunteers for studentsThe Pastor to Students will be a man called of God and set apart to the gospel ministry, evangelical in theology, in accordance with the Baptist Faith and Message (2000 Edit....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

01-25-2024    Full Time

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Kazakhstan jobs, Kazakhstan churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Kazakhstan near me.