Philippines Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Calvary Baptist Church in Idaho Falls, Idaho is seeking a full-time Worship Pastor who has a passion to lead people to glorify Jesus. Who is Calvary Baptist?Calvary Baptist was founded in 1951 by a small group of mission-minded believers who were responsible for planting several churches in Idaho. Calvary is a theologically conservative, multigenerati....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

02-28-2022    Full Time

SEE FULL JOB POSTING AT: * This role encompasses a wide variety of skill sets. You are encouraged to apply if you have 75% of the skills needed in this role as some duties could be shifted to administrative staff or volunteers. Candidates have a preferred 3 years experience ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


05-01-2024    Full Time

We are seeking a theologically conservative, Bible-teaching, gospel-focused pastor to help re-plant a church that recently closed. The church property is located in Cumberland, RI. The community has a lot of potential and has been growing in recent years. The building is in very good shape and has plenty of meeting space. There's also a nice-siz....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


11-12-2023    Part Time

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Philippines jobs, Philippines churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Philippines near me.