Samoa Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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First Baptist Church of Manchester, Connecticut is seeking a Senior Pastor. First Baptist is an established, diverse church that seeks to honor Jesus and proclaim the Good News of His saving power in our lives. We hold to the inerrant word of God firmly and unapologetically, while trying to share it with the world around us in love. We are a community o....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

06-25-2024    Full Time

Job Description:Fellowship of Montgomery, located in Montgomery, TX, is seeking a full-time Youth Pastor.The ideal person for this position will be one who is passionate to see teenagers come to know God, connect to God and others, and this person will lead teenagers to grow in their faith as they grow into adults. The duties are as follows:Primary Resp....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:


12-20-2022    Full Time

Freedom Hope Church, in Audubon, NJ, is seeking a strong, inspirational leader for the position of lead pastor. We desire someone who will promote Christian discipleship, preach biblical sermons, support a strong youth ministry, provide guidance for daily living, and equip leadership within the body. For more information about our pastoral job des....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


03-12-2024    Full Time

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Samoa jobs, Samoa churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Samoa near me.