Ukraine Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Music is a God-given gift that enhances our worship of the Lord and appreciation for the good things He has given us. We are entering an exciting era at Austin Square, and our search for a new music director will help revitalize our music program and worship experience.We are looking for someone with a heart for serving the Lord and His people. A pers....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-29-2023    Part Time

We are looking for someone with strong pulpit skills, who is able to communicate the Bible clearly and practically. This person would regularly communicate the overall vision of Faith Community Church and lead the church in accomplishing it. The primary tasks would be preaching Sunday morning (70-75% of the time); oversight of staff; pastoral care and v....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


04-04-2023    Full Time

Director of Christian Education Ministry (Pre-K to 12th Grade) Jesse Lee Memorial United Methodist Church Ridgefield, CT (Full-time Position) POSITION OVERVIEW: The Director of Christian Education Ministry serves as the spiritual and organizational leader for programs, activities, and fellowship for children and youth. He/She provides visio....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

United Methodist

07-13-2021    Full Time

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Ukraine jobs, Ukraine churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Ukraine near me.