Uruguay Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Sycamore Grove Mennonite Church is a small country church committed to standing firm on the Word of God. We were founded as a Mennonite church and are currently affiliated with the Conservative Mennonite Conference. We hold to Anabaptist theology as outlined in the 1963 Mennonite Confession of Faith, which includes the supremacy of scripture and believe....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-24-2023    Full Time

Position Title: Substitute Teacher Department / Location: Preschool/Kirk House Supervisor: Preschool Director, Kirk House Direct Reports: n/a Classification: Part time On-call/Non-exempt Pay Grade: 2 Date of Submission or Revision: 7.14.22 Date of Approval: 7.28.22 POSITION SUMMARY Kirk House Preschool is currently looking for multiple ....more

2000 - 5000

Worship Style:

01-17-2023    Full Time

The members of Greggton United Methodist Church are in search of a full-time person to lead youth (Grades 6th-12th) in living in and sharing the LIGHT of Christ. The ideal candidate will also serve in one of two other ministry capacities. These additional options are a digital ministry leader or contemporary worship leader. We are searching for a pers....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

United Methodist

02-23-2022    Full Time

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Uruguay jobs, Uruguay churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Uruguay near me.