Church of the Nazarene Church Jobs

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  Music Leader / Director - Spotlight Job

Covenant Grace Church is a recent church plant in northern Colorado Springs, seeking a part time Music Leader/Director to help us make disciples of Jesus Christ. The Music Leader will work closely with the elders and pastor to select music that will edify the body, complement the Scripture and message of the day. This vital team member will lead the co....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


04-20-2024    Part Time

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Worship Director We are looking for a person passionate about leading people into the presence of God through worship. The role of the worship director is to serve in overseeing the worship ministry at City Church. The worship director helps to shape the worship culture of the church, coordinate worship events, and develop the worship team. K....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


12-15-2021    Part Time

Looking for a person who aspires to be a worship leader and needs an environment that would allow him or her to develop and get more experience while actually doing the job. We are a small church but have a unique culture and very strong church family. Job would include leading worship, set organization, rehearsals and Sunday worship. We are an elder le....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

08-22-2023    Part Time

PURPOSE:Hempfield Church of Christ is a Bible-focused church of about 250 members from Greensburg, PA and the surrounding region. We are seeking a youth minister to build on and expand our existing youth and children's ministry. The youth minister will be responsible for designing and coordinating programs to ensure the engagement of our youth. He wil....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-20-2022    Full Time

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Church of the Nazarene jobs, Church of the Nazarene churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors.