Administrative Assistant

Trinity Church Wayzata

Wayzata, MN

Category: Business Administration

Posted on: December 28, 2023

Job Description:

Trinity Church Wayzata is a new church spreading the gospel in the western suburbs of Minneapolis. One year ago, we were only about 30 people. Today we're just over 90. And, Lord willing, we'll continue to grow in 2024. We've reached our administrative capacity and we need to add someone to our team.


1. Utilization of Database Software (PCO People)

Effective methods of acquiring information

Accurate (up-to-date) database info for guests, attenders & members

Appropriate use of categorization within profiles

Effective follow-up and assimilation practices

Confidentiality regarding all collected information

Members equipped to help we_noemaile ne_noemailers

Ne_noemailers contacted and invited to get more involved

2. Communication (MailChimp, Email, PCO People)

Consistent, accurate, weekly email updates

Consistent quarterly newsletter for prayer and financial supporters

Up-to-date website and social media information

Advanced notice regarding quarterly Launch Team meetings; including purpose, goals, and plans

Bible Study attendees, Community Group members, and other ministry participants updated regarding meeting dates, times, and content

Monthly care connections for people in our database

3. Scheduling for Pastor (iCal, PCO)

Pastor's weekly, monthly, Quarterly, and annual meetings scheduled

Pastor's meetings booked, confirmed, rescheduled, or canceled

Effectively utilized scheduling software

Balance of in-reach (shepherding/discipleship) and outreach meetings (evangelism_noemailworking)

4. Bookkeeping

Accurate financial records

Effective filing of important docs and records

5. Odds and Ends

Occasional tasks assigned by pastor  

About Trinity Church Wayzata:

We are a new church that exists to be a surprisingly loving and welcoming congregation where anyone and everyone can experience radical grace, enjoy genuine community, and engage in the renewal of society.

Many people who have not been super involved at a church before are finding a rich, gospel-centered culture at our church and they are inviting friends. Many are finding the kind of community they've been looking for. And, many are finding ways to use their gifts and graces to serve others.  


Vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ (belief the Bible is true and authoritative)
3+ years experience working in an office
Warm, friendly personality
Proven communications and organization skills
Intermediate (not beginner) computer and database skills
Ability to get things done 

Position Information:

Job Title:
Administrative Assistant
Time Type:
Part Time
Job Category:
Business Administration
20,000 - 30,000
Organization Type:
Worship Style:
Church Size:
less than 100

Contact Information:

Organization Name:
Trinity Church Wayzata
Contact Name:
PO Box 252
State or Province:
ZIP Code:
United States
Map this Organization:
Contact Email:
