Director of Student Ministries

First Broad Street UMC


Category: Youth Pastor & Youth Ministry

Posted on: February 20, 2023

Job Description:

The Director of Student Ministries supports FBSUMC's Mission and Vision for nurturing middle school and high school students into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and for challenging them in their spiritual growth and service to others. Through our involvement with individuals and programs, we enable our student members to seek meaningful ways to be in ministry in our church and_noemailmunity.
The specific duties of the Director Student Ministries include, but are not limited to:
A. Provide leadership for volunteers, parents and team.
1. Student Director will regularly meet with team and supervisor.
2. Recruit and train adult and student leadership for student ministries including Sunday School, Bible Studies, and other student ministries.
3. Conduct regular meetings with Student Ministry Council and middle school and high school teachers for the purpose of planning,_noemailmunication, and implementation of a well-balanced student ministry including the elements of study, fellowship, and service.
4. Coordinate all_noemailmunication with volunteers, parents and team.
B. Provide Leadership for Student Ministry
1. Work with appropriate staff and leadership to implement and integrate opportunities for students in growth and serving in ministry. Develop a student ministry with continuity in mind from 6th-12th grades to provide a solid framework for life-long discipleship as a Christian.
2. Facilitate faith forming experiences (e.g. weekly ministries, retreats and conferences) for youth. Provide_noemailprehensive planning and coordination for these activities.
3. Be available by appointment for consultations/conference with parents, students, and their leaders.
4. Purchase and provide resource material for study, worship, recreation, etc.
5. Promote and Publicize Student Ministry activities and opportunities.
6. Manage budget for student ministries, working closely with the Finance Office per policies of the church.
7. Responsible for coordinating the use of building during all student functions (security, alarms, lock down, etc.) to ensure responsible, safe ministry.
8. Support Safe Sanctuary training for all volunteers as stated in Safe Sanctuary policy.
9. Student Director will make efforts to connect with visitors at all student events and on a regular basis will follow up on less involved students.
10. Attend selected special activities in support of students by initiating or maintaining contact with church students in areas outside church (i.e. school, ballgames, home, special events.)
C. Serve as responsible team member of church staff -- duties may include but not be limited to:
1. Attend and participate in pertinent staff and administrative meetings as requested
2. Fulfill administrative duties, policies, and obligations to staff team and church leadership
3. Direct, develop and manage necessary_noemailmunication efforts as it relates to the student ministry at the church
4. Participate as a cooperative team member with Pastors, staff and laity in all aspects of church life
5. Communicate with pertinent staff concerning all student ministry functions

About First Broad Street UMC:

First Broad Street is a vibrant congregation in downtown Kingsport on historic Church Circle with two Traditional Sunday morning worship services and two Contemporary Sunday morning worship services. Working for FBSUMC requires a commitment of servant leadership and is most fully realized through a faith in God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) made possible through Jesus Christ. A staff member realizes that it is imperative that their words and actions must represent this church and reflect the staff member's faith in Jesus Christ, so that in every way our church might move toward "making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 


Required -- Possess an individual faith/relationship with Jesus Christ and a desire to live out your faith in Christian community
-- Bachelor's degree, Christian Ministry, Education, Counseling, or similarly related field or Certification (or actively pursuing cert.) in Student Ministry as defined by the UMC Board of Higher Education & Ministry
-- 1-3 years of experience with student ministry in a multi-staff setting
-- Demonstrate experience/relational skills with middle/high school youth
-- Relational/leadership skills for working with volunteers/part of a team
-- Seeks continual Christian education
-- Willingness for understanding of/commitment to UMC doctrine
-- Administrative skills for organizing and planning
-- Proficiency in standard technology/computer software
Preferred -- 3 or more years of experience in a multi-staff church setting
-- Demonstrated commitment to professional development
-- Experience in teaching and/or counseling
-- Proficiency, social media  

Position Information:

Job Title:
Director of Student Ministries
Time Type:
Full Time
Job Category:
Youth Pastor & Youth Ministry
Organization Type:
United Methodist
Worship Style:
Church Size:
750 - 1000

Contact Information:

Organization Name:
First Broad Street UMC
Contact Name:
Meredith Brown
State or Province:
ZIP Code:
United States
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