First Presbyterian Church
Lewisburg, PA
Category: Youth Pastor & Youth Ministry
Posted on: October 28, 2021
College undergraduate degree and training in youth ministry, or a_noemailbination of equivalent experience and training.
Accountable to the Pastor and the Session.
*Proclaim the Word of God with clarity. Ground all teaching in the Bible's revelation of God, with a central focus on the power of the resurrected Christ and the empowerment of God's indwelling Spirit.
*Conduct yourself as a Godly role model to young people.
*Plan and oversee all Middle School and High School youth programs (i.e. fellowship groups, Bible studies, service projects and mission trips, etc.). Recruit and train church members as volunteer-leaders.
*Plan and oversee Sunday School classes for Middle and/or High School-aged youth (in conjunction with the Pastor and Christian Education Committee).
*Organize and lead a summer youth mission trip, and weekend retreats, mission, or service projects, including associated recruiting, training, and fundraising events.
*Organize an annual youth-facilitated Sunday morning worship service to recognize graduates, and to share with the congregation the experience of youth mission work.
*Be available for individual meetings with youth and/or parents as needed (this also may include college-age youth connected with our congregation).
*Seek opportunities to support youth activities in the area schools and wider_noemailmunity. (i.e. sports coaching, extra-curricular activities)
*Maintain_noemailmunication with the Session by providing a monthly summary report of current and planned activities.
*Participate in the Sunday morning worship service no less than quarterly, either by giving the sermon or presenting the Children's Message. (Coordinated with Pastor and Director of Children's Ministries)
*Attend and participate in weekly church staff meetings. (Currently Wednesdays at 10:00am.) Establish scheduled office hours. (Determined in conjunction with the Pastor and the Administrative Assistant.)
The Director of Youth Ministries will_noemailmunicate and coordinate with the Pastor, share monthly reports with Session, sit on the Christian Education Committee, and partner with other church Boards,_noemailmittees, and staff members as required. The Director will seek opportunities for youth to serve, interact, and engage with the_noemailmunity and with the youth ministries of other local churches.
The Personnel Committee of the Session, with the Pastor's input, will meet with the Director annually for a performance evaluation, to discuss professional and personal development goals, and to review the adequacy of_noemailpensation.
Medical Two weeks paid vacation
One week study leave Church manse is available as housing
To Apply:
If interested in the position please send a cover letter, resume, and the names and numbers of three references.
Email (preferred) to: info@first-presby_noemail
Or, to our mailing address:
First Presbyterian Church
18 Market Street
Lewisburg, PA 17837