Brookville Road Community Church's mission is to inspire people to become wholehearted followers of Jesus as we love God, love the Church, and love the world. The Junior High and Intermediate School ministry is part of a holistic student ministry program and is focused on 5th – 8th grade students. Ministry is accomplished primarily through building transformative relationships with students, parents, and volunteers in community. This position will work in close collaboration with the High School Pastor. This position will also include another area of ministry based on the candidate's passion, skill and calling.
Relational: Ministry is about caring for people. As expressions of loving God and loving others, the leader will exhibit a heart for people by connecting with students, volunteer staff and parents in a way that creates an environment that inspires students to become wholehearted followers of Jesus. Decision-making will require seeking input from others and ultimately making decisions based on convictions rooted in God's Word rather than concerns about how it may affect the leader as an individual. This role requires the ability to work with various personality types and function as a member of the youth ministry leadership team.
Organizational/Planning: Establish clear lines of communication with students, parents and volunteers. Exhibit a capacity to balance multiple activities with grace. This position also requires a capacity to learn and effectively use cloud-based productivity tools and document systems.
Self-Motivator: Manage time effectively and efficiently. Ability to thrive in an interdependent and transparent work environment. Possess a strong work ethic. Ability to maintain a positive and proactive ministry environment.
Volunteer Recruiter: As a church, we are charged to, "equip the saints for works of service" (Ephesians 4). This position requires the ability to develop familiarity with our current attenders and the ability to draw on those networks to recruit volunteers.
Confidentiality: In the life of a church, confidentiality sustains a culture of trust and promotes confidence in those we serve. It is non-negotiable.
Spiritual: Love Jesus more than you love ministry. This would be personally played out in your life through the study of the Word, prayer, and worship. The foundation of who you are is biblical humility; that your character is greater than your gifting and your humility is greater than your influence.
Junior High Ministry (40%)
Main speaker for Sunday evening youth meetings and talks.
Organize and implement Wednesday small groups including teaching and recruiting/coaching teachers.
One-on-one time with students for the purpose of shepherding; including attending community extracurricular events.
Strategic planning meeting with the High School Pastor as part of the youth leadership team.
Recruit, develop and retain volunteer leaders.
Provide accurate communications to students and parents through email, GroupMe, Breeze church management system, and social media posts.
Youth ministry retreats and events.
Intermediate School Ministry (20%)
Main speaker/leader for Sunday morning youth meetings.
Strategic planning meeting with the High School Pastor and the Elementary Director.
Recruit, develop and retain volunteer leaders.
Provide accurate communications to students and parents through email, GroupMe, Breeze church management system, and social media posts.
Other Area of Ministry (select - 20%)
Leading and organizing youth worship band.
Support Elementary Director during the week.
College and career.
Margin (20%)
Staff meetings and prayer, long-term planning, cross-team activities, professional
development, special events, etc.