Since CoVID began, our church has had an average Sunday attendance of 80 children and adults. We have a part-time volunteer coordinator on staff, as well as many volunteers who lead and staff our youth and children's ministries, worship team, men's and women's ministries,_noemailmunity dance outreach, and care for the church property. We have also maintained stable and consistent giving above and beyond church budgeted needs during this time. More information about us, including a more in-depth profile of our church and a list of desired pastoral qualifications, may be found on our website, https://www.carin_noemailmunitychurch_noemail/.
As an interested candidate, we ask you to forward a cover letter of interest and a resumé to the search_noemailmittee at caringccpastorsearch@gmail_noemail. We will then follow up with you to_noemailplete the rest of the application packet following church and denominational practices.