Job Description:
Community Church of Deep River, Iowa is prayerfully seeking a pastor. We are an independent, congregational rule, evangelical church. Our mission statement is to bring people into a right relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, serving our_noemailmunity through Christ-centered missions and equipping our members to grow and share their faith following God's biblical plan. We are a rural church located in southeast Iowa, that has approximately 40 active members who currently meet on Sundays for adult Sunday School, Worship Service and Sunday Evening Bible Study and prayer. We also have prayer meetings on Wednesday evenings. The deacons help with S.S and Wed. evening.
Pastoral duties would include Sunday Worship, Sunday Evening, and any special services such as Christmas Eve & Thanksgiving. Some of the essential skills/duties are preach/teach the Word of God instructing the congregation in true Christian living and service, provide counseling and crisis ministry, lead the congregation in observance of church ordinances, and help manage the day-to-day affairs of the church. We may consider a part time position or a bi-vocational candidate. We offer a 3-bedroom parsonage with a 2-car garage as part of our_noemailpensation package.