Church of the Holy Spirit, Leesburg Virginia– The Rector We Seek
Three Streams Church – evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental
Church of the Holy Spirit seeks a man of steadfast character with strong leadership and preaching gifts as our next full-time rector. We are a medium-sized church, with a budget of about $1 million, and we compensate our rector well. We are a Bible-believing, Three Streams church (evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental) ministering in a highly educated, wealthy, outer suburban area (metro DC). We are committed disciples of Jesus who joyfully work and pray to see the inbreaking of God's Kingdom. We are racially and economically diverse and have healthy ratios of both male/female (roughly 50/50) and age (roughly 40% >55, 40% 18-55, and 20% <18). We are multi-staffed, with 13 employees (mostly part-time), including another priest and a deacon. We have robust small group and accountability group ministries, with most of our people participating. Our people are active and busy in many local and international outreach ministries.
Note that these are ideals that might not all be met by any one candidate. He possesses the character qualities laid out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, and is biblically orthodox. He is confident, energetic, good with people, and deeply spiritual. Leadership and teaching are strong spiritual gifts, shepherding and evangelism gifts are also highly desired. Our next rector should be at home in the charismatic stream, supportive of prayer, healing, and deliverance ministries, and able to regularly preach sermons that both teach us God's Word and exhort us to follow it. Our ideal candidate will be a man in his early 30s to mid 40s, have experience on the staff of an Anglican church or two, be married to a supportive wife, and may have children still at home. He should be administratively competent, able to delegate well and able to lead/manage our staff with skill and love. He knows how to listen to God, and uses that to drive vision and recruit teams to execute mission, discipleship, and pastoral care strategies. He welcomes and values input from the Vestry and other congregational leaders. We prefer a younger rector who can take the helm of an established congregation, and who at the same time will attract more young families with a goal of growing our attendance beyond the 200 barrier (see parish profile).
Go to our home page,, for more information about our church and our application process. Your application package should include a cover letter, resume/CV, a spiritual autobiography, web links to recordings of three recent sermons (or sermon texts if recordings are unavailable), and a minimum of three references. All materials must be sent electronically to