***Interested candidates should submit a resume and discuss the following in a cover letter:
Tell us about your faith journey and your relationship with Christ
Tell us about your call to ministry
Please also provide a link to a video example of a sermon you have given.
Send to: app4resonatejesus@gmail_noemail
Primary Responsibilities:
* Prepare and deliver inspiring, challenging and biblically-centered message each Sunday.
* Support local outreach ministries that serve and connect with our local_noemailmunity.
* Support Resonate Recovery Groups.
* Provide pastoral guidance of members having personal or family problems.
* Visit the sick, shut-in and bereaved, and/or members in their homes.
* Serve as a spiritual leader who shows faith, humility, and a love for others.
* Serve as the President and Chairman of the Board of Elders.
* Provide management and oversight of church staff, including hiring, providing guidance and direction, performance management, and dismissal.
A servant leader with a growth mindset, who is humble, transparent, and highly relational.
The ability to demonstrate a high level of integrity and respect when dealing with matters of the church and congregation.
A relationship builder and effective communicator with people of all ages and walks of life, within and outside of the church.
Demonstrates a passion for prayer life that inspires the church to pray with more zeal and passion.
If married, demonstrates a strong marriage and family life.
The ability to identify church leaders, and delegate appropriate responsibilities.
Demonstrates the qualities of an Overseer as in I Timothy 3:1-7, and Elder as in Titus 1:6-9.