San Juan Mountain Church Pastor Job Description-Agreement
Job Title: Pastor
Accountable To: Elders
Position Status: Fulltime
Employment Start: TBD
The San Juan Mountain Church in Horca Colorado is seeking a full time pastor. We are a non-denominational fellowship in the beautiful San Juan mountains in southern Colorado. Formed in 2008, we provide a place of worship not only for full time residents, but also a number of vacationers and travelers that visit the area. We are known as a loving and welcoming fellowship that embraces all who enter our doors. We believe the word of God is the revelation of God's plan of salvation for mankind and that faith in Jesus provides the only access to that salvation. If you are interested please review the Pastor job description and send a cover letter, resume and statement of faith to
The Pastor will be responsible for preaching & teaching the Word of God on Sunday mornings in the corporate worship service and will demonstrate excellence as an expository preacher. He is also responsible for pastoral care (shepherding) and support of the membership. His teaching, leadership and pastoral care of the congregation should be led by the Holy Spirit and grounded in sound Biblical doctrine. He will meet regularly with the other elders and staff to pray and to plan and execute the SJMC mission. The Elders and Pastor are bound by the SJMC Constitution, Bylaws, and Statement of Faith.
Responsibilities and Duties:
Pastor Commitments: The Pastor agrees that SJMC is his primary employer.
1. Preaching and Teaching: The Pastor will be the primary preacher for Sunday morning worship services. He should be a studious and well-prepared expository preacher, sharing the Word of God in spirit and truth. His heart will always point to the loving and saving grace of Jesus Christ and man's need for His forgiveness. He will lead the church in proclaiming the gospel to the church and surrounding community.
2. Shepherding: The Pastor will make himself available to members as needed to counsel and show God's love, and personally visit each household as needed. He will share this responsibility with the Elders, meeting monthly with them, in person or via Zoom.
3. Community: The Pastor will perform wedding ceremonies and conduct funeral services with Elders approval. He may accept monetary compensation for these services. The Pastor will cooperate with other churches in the area, serve as a representative of SJMC in civic matters, and honorably and joyfully represent SJMC to the local community with the goal of drawing others to Christ.
4. Probationary Period: There will be a 6-month probationary period.
5. Administration: The Pastor and the Elders will share administrative duties such as purchasing, building maintenance, insurance, legal matters, and policy making. Purchases shall be made with elder approval.
6. Compensation: The annual salary will be determined. The Pastor is allowed 2 weeks of paid vacation. He will be paid monthly, no later than the seventh business-day of the month for the previous month.