We are seeking a senior pastor who will not only help us minister to our current congregation, but who will also foster and encourage continued growth. The church has been growing both spiritually and numerically. Our church is in a rural farming community and we minister to families from several smaller communities.
We are a fundamental, independent Bible church and rely on the Scripture as the final authority and as the inerrant Word of God.
We are seeking a self-motivated fundamental pastor, who loves the Word of God and the people. We are looking for a pastor to challenge and lead us as the Lord would direct.
Specific duties would include but not be limited to leading morning and evening service, Wednesday night prayer and Bible study, visitation, and office hours.
Please go to the website at edwardscornersbiblechurch.org and review our purpose and belief statement. if you are not in agreement this is not the position for you. A copy of our constitution can be emailed to you upon request.