A member of the American Baptist Churches of Michigan, WHBC is a vibrant, friendly, Bible-based church that loves God's Word and His people. All who enter its doors are welcomed and encouraged to worship and grow in relationship with our Lord and Savior. Its multi-generational church family has witnessed for Christ in Oakland County, Michigan, since believers formally organized the Baptist Church of Highland in the log cabin of Jesse Tenny on January 16, 1834. Today, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, WHBC is governed by its Constitution and Bylaws that were adopted in 2010 and continue to be updated, when needed. Our church is prayerfully guided by a congregationally-affirmed team of 3-5 Elders. The Senior Pastor is a member of the Elder Ministry. The Ministry Council coordinates the church's core and special ministry teams. Church staff members report to the Senior Pastor. An organizational chart is in the Church Profile on our website.