Is responsible to the church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, teach the Bible, engage in pastoral care ministries and provide oversight of all areas of the church life.
Must be a man who exemplifies godly character in both his private life and public life.
Called by God to the ministry with a true servant's heart and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
Should equip, educate, and edify the church as mandated in Ephesians 4:11-13.
Will lead and serve with the expectations set forth in 1 Peter 5:2-3.
Must possess and demonstrate good communication and leadership skills.
About Lighthouse Baptist Church:
Lighthouse Baptist Church is in rural northern California with vast forests, lush lakes, beautiful spacious deserts, and mountains surrounding all. We are diverse, multicultural, and host multi-congregations. Our worship style is traditional. We serve several small communities through our outreach ministries but are looking to expand opportunities.
Job Qualifications:
Preferred 5-10 years of ministry experience as a pastor
Licensed or ordained
Has appropriate biblical foundation
Preferred seminary diploma
Has clear conviction that God has both called and gifted him to pastoral ministry
Able to teach the word of God with clarity and conviction
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