Rose of Sharon OFWB Church
Robersonville, NC
Category: Youth Pastor & Youth Ministry
Posted on: March 04, 2024
Overview: Rose of Sharon OFWB Church is seeking an individual who will serve the youth of all ages, will also serve as a minister of the gospel, and as an empathic counselor with a listening ear. With the cooperation and supervision of the pastor, this individual will oversee the youth and workers within the youth ministry. As the primary administrator of the youth program, this individual should possess excellent leadership,_noemailanizational, and_noemailmunication skills, creativity, time management, empathy, and should manifest an intimate knowledge of the Bible.
1. Evangelize: must have a passion for leading youth to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
2. Mentor: prayerfully pursues and conducts the most effective means of discipling youth in their growth in Christ.
3. Lead: oversees, maintains, and effectively_noemailmunicates the vision and goals for the youth program.
4. Coordinate:_noemailanizes youth activities for church involvement, Christian growth, and_noemailmunity outreach, including but not limited to Youth Sundays, Vacation Bible School, lock-ins, church camps, etc.
5. Exemplify: serves as an example and role model of Christian maturity among the youth, within the church, and out in the_noemailmunity.
6. Connect: maintains effective_noemailmunication with youth and their parents by
a) visiting youth and their families at home.
b) supporting students in their activities and interests.
c) utilizing all forms of available media_noemailmunication.
d) providing counseling as needed.
e) clear and effective_noemailmunication of any events or expectations.
7. Grow: provides opportunities for the youth to learn how to witness to their peers within their schools and the_noemailmunity.
8. Report: prepares and presents budget and status documents, with the assistance of the Youth Leadership Team (YLT),
9. Assimilate: leads youth to b_noemaile fully involved members of Rose of Sharon Church and promotes youth involvement in the various areas of the church. They will also encourage youth to work with other local church leaders by planning activities together.
10. Serve: willingly accepts other duties that may arise, as deemed appropriate for this position by the senior pastor or church leadership.