Grace Conservative Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist - Other
Category: Youth Ministry
Church Size: 100 - 250
Salary: $60,000 -70,000
Posted on: October 31, 2023
Time Type: Full Time
1) Qualifications:
Character – 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9 qualifications:
□ Must love the Lord and spend time with God regularly.
□ If married, love his wife and children seeing them as first ministry responsibility.
□ Must be man of integrity w/compassion and ability to work w/multiple personality types.
□ Must be humble, teachable, and loyal to the leadership of Grace Church Seattle.
□ Must be a team player.
Education / Experience –
□ Bachelors or Master's in Biblical Studies, Youth Ministry, Divinity, or similar degree required.
□ Three or more years of impactful youth ministry experience.
Ability –
□ Must be a shepherd, able to connect w/students on their level w/o compromising the Bible.
□ Must be a teacher, able to exegete Scripture and teach in a way that connects with students.
□ Must be able to meet deadlines and is competent in administration.
2) Responsibilities:
A. Develop youth ministry (e.g., SS, youth group, small groups, events) for Middle/High School.
 Lead Middle School to focus on outreach and discipleship.
 Develop and lead High School students to learn to navigate a secular culture.
B. Recruit parents and volunteers to work with youth in the above ministries.
C. Spend time w/students in their environment to win hearts and inspire to follow Jesus.
3) Other Expectations:
A. To the Senior Pastor (or Elder designee)
□ The Senior Pastor is your supervisor.
□ Without a Senior Pastor, an Elder will take on this role until a Senior Pastor is hired.
□ Weekly prayer, mentorship, accountability in personal life and professional responsibilities.
□ Yearly review in April – post Easter.
B. In relation to Staff:
□ Preach (1-6 times per year).
□ Collaborate with Children's Director to develop events, k-12 discipleship plan, scheduling, etc.
□ Attend and participate in weekly staff meetings.
□ Attend and participate in Elder Meetings at your request or when invited.
□ Participate in church events (e.g., Easter, Christmas Eve, Serve Day, Forums, equipping, etc.).
□ Fill in for C.E. Director when on vacation or sick.