Northwest Territories Church Jobs

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Support and champion the overall mission and vision of the church amongst the congregation and in the community at large. Seek to implement ideas/programs that will continue to reach out to unchurched youth in our community Provide care and support for students and their families through encouragement, training, mentoring, providing resources....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

10-12-2022    Full Time

We are currently seeking a Worship Leader (WL) who aspires to develop their God-given talents leading worship at Lifechangers Gospel Church.The WL will have the drive to see people come to know Christ, have the heart to serve, and exhibit a positive attitude. LCG is a place to nurture your skills, passions, and talents as you lead others to become fully....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-14-2021    Part Time

The Church of Christ of West Chester is a non-denominational church based on the Gospel's of Christ. We are founded and incorporated in 1954. We are a 501C Public Charity as a church. Independent and self-sustained by the mercy and grace of God and the body of Christ. We are multi-cultural church with an average attendance of 30 baptized souls. We ga....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Church of Christ

02-08-2023    Part Time

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Church Jobs in Northwest Territories, Pastor Jobs in Northwest Territories, near me.