Community Church - Job Openings

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Position DescriptionThe primary functions of the NexGen Pastor are threefold: 1.) Ministry Shepherd responsible for training Victory Church kids and students to find and follow Christ Jesus through authentic relationships, Biblical education, and family discipleship. 2.) Ministry Leader responsible for loving, equipping, and celebrating the ama....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


11-15-2022    Full Time

Abundant Life Assembly of God is looking for a full-time Connections and Young Adults Pastor that will oversee, assimilation, first impressions, outreach, home groups, and young adults. We are all about loving God, loving people, and loving life. Our vision for this is to be fully engaged in the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Our Spirit-fi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

07-27-2021    Full Time

Community Church of Deep River, Iowa is prayerfully seeking a pastor. We are an independent, congregational rule, evangelical church. Our mission statement is to bring people into a right relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, serving our community through Christ-centered missions and equipping our members to grow and share t....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


12-10-2023    Full Time

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