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Email Alerts
Email alerts are instant notifications of posted jobs. Let's say you're interested in a Senior Pastor position. When you signup for an email alert simply choose the category for Senior Pastor. The next time a church posts a job opening in that category, you will receive an email notification. This is the best way to stay on top of the new listings at ChurchJobs.net. NOTE: Alerts require an active Job or Resume.
Recommended Listings
We take the liberty of recommending resumes, or jobs, in the category that you have posted. In order to receive recommendations you must have posted a job or resume on our site. You can always search our database for more qualified listings.
Saved Resumes
Saved Resumes are saved to My ChurchJobs by clicking on "Save to My ChurchJobs" from the top right menu on the resume. Saved Resumes are resumes from candidates who may or may not have applied for your position. Saved Resumes are different than high priority applications which are applications you rank based on your interest. Read more here.