Saved Resumes vs High Priority Applicants

Both Saved Resumes and High Priority Applicants are ways of keeping track of candidates you are interested in.

Resumes can be viewed whether or not a candidate has applied for your position. You can find them by searching the Resume Database or by clicking on a recommended resume on your My ChurchJobs page. If you click "Save to My ChurchJobs" the resume will show up in the Saved Resumes box located on your My ChurchJobs page.

If a candidate applies for your job, their job application shows up under the My Job Listings box on your My ChurchJobs page. You can set a priority on the applications you are interested in by viewing the application and choosing a priority setting.

After setting a priority on the job application, you can go to the applicants list and sort by High Priority, Low Priority, or ALL applicants.

The easiest way to think about it is to click "Save to My ChurchJobs" anytime you are on viewing a candidate's resume or application. The resume for that candidate will be saved to your My ChurchJobs page and we will set the application as high priority for you.