Bahamas Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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We are praying for you!The Well church has been praying for the person God has prepared to join our team to lead the worship ministry. During those prayer times, God has begun painting a picture of you and it becomes a bit clearer each day. You are someone who loves Jesus so much that your worship is not something you do but who you are. You see, hea....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified


08-17-2022    Full Time

Thomson First Methodist Church (a regional congregation of the Global Methodist Church located in Thomson, GA 20 miles west of Augusta, GA) is seeking a full-time pastor/director of student ministries. The successful candidate would preferably have a college degree in a related field and some years of experience. Commitment to historic, orthodox Christi....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


07-02-2024    Full Time

Rural church looking for a pastor with a heart to share the love of Christ. A willingness to work with all ages is a plus. ....more

less than 100

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01-27-2024    Full Time

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Bahamas jobs, Bahamas churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Bahamas near me.