Costa Rica Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES - You'll oversee the mix at Front of House (FOH) and/or for Waters Church live streams. - You'll develop audio team members to assist in the live & broadcast mixes. - Research and develop next steps and opportunities for growth. - Support recording sessions with Waters Music as available. JOB MUST-HAVE - 2+ years of rele....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:

Christian Church

08-23-2023    Part Time

The pastor duties include the following:1. Preparing and preaching Biblical sermons on a weekly basis.2. Oversee special ceremonies and services, such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, etc.3. Oversee the various ministries with the support of church leadership.4. Develop outreach programs to help serve the community. This may include working with other l....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

03-09-2024    Full Time

Develop and implement programs for young children, middle and high school youth.Develop and implement community and congregational mission work/outreach with middle school and high school youth.Foster relationships with Youth and Children through activities outside the church.Provide counseling for Youth and/or families when neededForm and organize a Ch....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

08-01-2023    Full Time

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Costa Rica jobs, Costa Rica churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Costa Rica near me.