Liberia Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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MUSIC DIRECTOR, JACOB'S CHURCH8373 Kings Highway, New Tripoli, PA 18066 www.jacobschurch.orgIntroduction: The Church Board of Jacob's Church appreciates the incorporation into our worship services of time-honored hymns with traditional church instruments and vocals for inspiration, edification and convention. We also value the inclusion of contemporary ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


02-27-2022    Part Time

The settled Pastor will lead weekly services in person. The church has the following Ministry Priorities for the Pastor:PreachingTeachingVisitationOutreach/missionCommunity linkages Our church is excited about the future and moving forward with our Lord. We seek a Pastor who can lead us in our journey to become better Christians and help us develop a d....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

05-13-2024    Full Time

Christ the King Lutheran Church is looking for a full time Director of Music and Worship Ministry in Hutchinson, MN.The Director of Music and Worship Ministry provides direction, leadership, creative influence, and musical and media support for the church. The desired outcomes are: Maintain and enhance the music experience, thereby deepening our congre....more

1500 - 2000

Worship Style:


06-22-2021    Full Time

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Liberia jobs, Liberia churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Liberia near me.