Netherlands Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Job Description FWC is looking for a full time employee that will function as our Music Director. We're looking for a musician who loves to worship God and who's ready to grow with us as we expand throughout South Carolina!  This is a full-time Music Director position which involves playing for Sunday services, mid-week services, weekly re....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:


09-29-2022    Full Time

A dynamic, radically inclusive, progressive, and welcoming spiritual haven in the vibrant city of Houston, Texas, Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church (RMCC) seeks a new Senior Pastor. This person holding this crucial position is a futurist charged with leading the advancement of Resurrection’s vision, mission, and values; they will be electe....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


02-06-2024    Full Time

We are looking for someone with strong pulpit skills, who is able to communicate the Bible clearly and practically. This person would regularly communicate the overall vision of Faith Community Church and lead the church in accomplishing it. The primary tasks would be preaching Sunday morning (70-75% of the time); oversight of staff; pastoral care and v....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


04-04-2023    Full Time

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Netherlands jobs, Netherlands churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Netherlands near me.