Sri Lanka Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Looking for a solid ministry to expand through pouring your heart into lots of youth while becoming part of a supportive and loving church community? St. Paul Lutheran Church (NALC/LCMC) is a growing congregation looking for an experienced leader to build into our thriving youth ministry. The Director of Youth Ministry is a full time position responsibl....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-02-2023    Full Time

Grace Avenue United Methodist Church in Frisco, TX seeks a Director of Finance and Operations. Position is full time. The successful candidate will handle oversight and coordination of all Business Operations of Grace Avenue including: all financial operations (Church member Contributions, Accounts Payable, Banking, Credit Cards, Debt, Financial Reporti....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

United Methodist

02-28-2022    Full Time

Title: Diocesan Director of Catechesis and Faith FormationReports to: Superintendent of Catholic EducationLocation: Diocese of Venice in FloridaVenice FL OverviewThe Director of Catechesis and Faith Formation is responsible for the management, supervision and administration of the Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation to advance the mission of Catho....more


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06-20-2023    Full Time

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Sri Lanka jobs, Sri Lanka churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Sri Lanka near me.